Director: Sister Angelia Britt
Greater Victory Temple
Christian Education

Our Mission Statement:
The purpose of Christian Education is to help build up the Church, the Body of Christ, by nurturing every person in the life of personal communion with God, and thus, through this ministry, to bear joyful witness to God's loving and redeeming work in the world.
The Christian Education aims at the communication of the content of Christian truth in the context of concrete Christian living: believing, praying, worshipping, learning, applying, growing, sharing, serving and witnessing.
We accomplish these goals by…
• Worship participating in community worship and private prayer
• Community sharing in the total life of our church and other churches to help build up the Body of Christ
• Discipleship learning how to follow Jesus Christ and His Gospel Message Service serving the needs of others in and around our community Witness fulfilling Christ’s mission in our church and community
Department Norms:
• God Centered: Words spoken and all deeds done must reflect our mission statement
• Value Time: Be on time and prepared
• Participation: Everyone contributes
• Confidentiality: All discussion assumed confidential
unless directed otherwise
• Speaking: Be mindful of time & stay on topic
• Respect: Be focused on solutions

Worship in Action

